Hello there! Thanks for taking the time to read this :) Hopefully this answers any and all questions you may have before booking your appointment. If you still have questions, feel free to head over to the contact page and shoot me a message.

What products does your salon use?
Ouidad, LUS (Love Ur Self) Curls, Design Essentials and the Doux are the products used to wash and style your curls. Matrix Hair Color and Redken Shades EQ are used for all coloring services.
Do you Do Deva Cuts, Ouidad cuts or Rizo cuts?
Being a curl specialist means understanding all the ways to cut and style curly hair :) Each one of these types of haircuts produces a different result. During your consultation we will discuss your desired outcome and possibilities of your haircut, and decide what would be the best approach to take.
How should I arrive to my appointment?
Please arrive with your hair washed within 3 days of your appointment and free of tangles. A little product is just fine. If you are getting a color service please arrive with little to no product in your hair.
Does Dream Curls do perms or straightening?
The only servies available are haircuts, trims and color for curly or natural hair. Perm rod sets or blow-dry straightening are also not available . Your curls are the priority and focus at DCS. If your hair is transitioning out of keratin or relaxer, it may be best to wait to make your appointment until you're ready for a big chop.
What is the best way to reach you?
New clients can reach me through email! You may message me any time by visiting the contactpage and I'll be sure to get back to you as quickly as possible :)
Thank you so much for reading!